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Election has no Meaning - A Re-Appraisal of the 2023 General Elections in Nigeria
(environ 252 pages)

Election has no Meaning - A Re-Appraisal of the 2023 General Elections in Nigeria

Auteur(s) Obi-Ani (B01), Okonkwo (B01), Isiani (B01), Collectif (A01)

Ean : 9783962033668

Date de parution : 20/07/2024

Résumé : This is the outcome of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka Faculty of Arts Conference on the 2023 General Elections in Nigeria: Issues and Challenges which took place between 27-29 June 2023.The Nigerian 2023 General Elections came with high expectations especially with the introduction of Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) and the passing into law of the Electoral Act 2022. The persistent assurance of both the Presidency and the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) of transparent electoral process encouraged mass participation during the election. The gloomy economic situation in the country, insecurity in the form of kidnapping for ransom, terrorism also heightened people's desire to enthrone good governance through active participation in the electoral process. The Nigerian youths who have been on the margin of economic malaise appear to 'take back their country' through social media mobilization in the 2023 general elections. Unfortunately, the outcome of the elections appears disappointing and considered to be the worst since the return of Nigeria to democratic rule in 1999. The manner the Judiciary handled electoral petitions felt below minimal standard and thus exacerbated more problems for democratic experiment in Nigeria. Election indeed has no meaning.

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